Friday, April 1, 2011

Frazzled Fridays!

Well Suited
Part One

Hello Friday Friends!  I have chosen to blog about swimsuits/bathing suits before jeans because if you are like me it could take several trips to several different stores (or on-line ordering) to find the "right" suit.  However, if you are like me shopping for jeans is just about as stressful!  But that's because I am a 'd' body type and "normal" jeans don't work well for me.   But I digress...

For some, Spring Break is still a few weeks away, for others there may be big plans to get away to some place tropical around Memorial Day.  Either way, it's time...  And, please, please understand that I am right there with ya!  But I will be brave if you will.   Also, please understand that I am "preaching" to myself too.  

We have to give ourselves a break.  Regardless of what we see in airbrushed magazines and digitally enhanced movies, etc. no body is perfect.  Everyone has certain body parts they are not happy with; hence, the great success of plastic surgeons.  Uh um.  Just sayin'.  We need to be realistic.  Bathing suits are designed for swimming and/or sun-bathing.  Therefore, those areas that are not yet toned as we would like may very well be seen.  But you CAN look GOOD in a bathing suit!  Really you can!

Our goal for bathing suits is the same as dressing in general: balance and proportion.  Taking attention away from our challenge areas.  So you need to know your body type, challenge areas, and the parts of your body to accentuate.  Click here to review body types

Ok, here's what 'we' need to do first:  Try on last year's suit and get in front of a FULL length mirror.  This really is important!  I hear you now....ugh, no, argh... but seriously, if you are wanting to look your absolute best in a new suit this year it is imperative that you see how you look in last year's suit.   I hope I've convinced you this is a necessity. This activity is not meant for you to berate yourself and only look for flaws!  Look to see if last year's suit makes you look as cute as you are!!  Now, face the mirror first.  Does the suit conceal your fluffiest part(s)?   If you have a larger bust does your suit hold your girls in or is there spillage?  Do they droop, or sit nicely between your elbows and shoulders?  Then stand sideways.  Does it hold your tummy in?  Now face away from the mirror and look at the back of your suit.  Does it cover your bottom completely?  If you are a 'd' body type (hips and thighs) where does the leg opening stop on your thigh (cut high or not)?  Does it have a skirt?    Do you like the way the skirt falls or covers?  

Is last year's suit a color that flatters you?  For info on your best colors click here.  The right color is slimming!  It's that important!  If you are a soft, for goodness sakes please get rid of your black swimsuits! 

After your last year's suit assessment I would suggest having a plan by choosing one or two stores with a good selection of bathing suits and shopping there the first day.  Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to shop.  This is too important to rush.  If you can go without children that would be best.  Wear really small underwear *smile*.  Don't wear socks when trying swim suits on!  You may want to get a nice pedicure before you go.  Make sure to take last year's suit with you to compare.  And finally, with the way bathing suits are designed you may very well wear at least one size larger than your regular clothes.  This is NORMAL!  So if you usually wear a size 12, then your bathing suit should be a 14.  And please don't stress about the tag size - like I've always said, if it bothers you, cut it out.  The most important thing is to be comfortable and look your best in your bathing suit, not what size it is!

Next week we'll talk more about which styles of suit look best on your individual body type.  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and a blessed week ahead.  

