The House that Guilt Built
(and the Grace that helps it stand)
Isn't it funny how the Holy Spirit "gently" nudges you? Like this morning for instance. Hubby has been out of town for the last several days and between work and caring for children, running them to and fro, and running myself to and fro (since 'tis the season)... I'm a bit, um let's say, snippy. My first sweet child of the morning can't find her precious headband. Yes, she has only one of a dozen that she likes. This causes a much unnecessary and completely unplanned (because I have this timed to the very second) delay. Cue impatience. This said precious child continues her search for said headband when she is to be brushing her teeth. Cue loud sigh. And after packing her things into her book bag in hopes of recouping lost minutes she remembers that her agenda needs to be signed... cue today's snippiness. Ugh.
So here is where the gentle nudge comes...after returning from dropping her off at school I settle into my chair and read one of the online devotions I enjoy. Although the story is one that I have enjoyed before, it falls on me fresh this morning. Grace. Would 30 seconds of extending grace to her have killed me? I think not. Cue sinking feeling and guilt.
And if that weren't enough, my next precious child comes down the stairs singing Happy Birthday Jesus. This is unusual because this is my middle school male child. At this point I just smiled. Grace being shown to me this time reminding me that Jesus was born, was a child, grew to manhood (all without sinning), and then died for me showing the ultimate grace and mercy! God is our Heavenly Father whose earthly children need grace every moment of every day. That's why I am on a quest along with you, to learn to clothe ourselves with God's grace.
In Proverbs, King Solomon writes " not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble." (Prov. 3:21-23 NIV - emphasis mine)
I have all the intention of segue-ing into a few paragraphs on accessorizing, but honestly I have a touch of a cold and am going to my sister's this weekend to celebrate my nieces first birthday and just don't want to infect a whole crowd of relatives so I am going to give you some quick basics and then go on to bed and try to keep this touch of a cold from becoming an all out yucky mess!
When accessorizing you may only think of jewelry. But that's not all. Your hair, makeup, and nails are also accessories (so to speak). Eye glasses, scarves, coats and handbags are also accessories. There is a 16-point accessory rule. Your goal is to have no more than 16 points and no less than 14 to have a put-together look. Here's how it works, give yourself a point for each of the following:
- one point for each of your shoes (and no, wearing only one shoe is not fashionable!)
- one point if you have a nice pedicure and you have open-toed shoes on
- one point for leggings or tights (this excludes pantyhose)
- one point for each garment you are wearing. If your garment has more than 2 colors give yourself and extra point.
- one point for a belt
- one point for each ring (wedding ring sets count as one)
- one point for each watch or bracelet
- one point for a necklace. If you necklace has a double or triple strand or is very large give yourself an extra point.
- one point for each of your earrings (the ones that are seen, or not covered by your hair).
- one point if you are wearing glasses
- one point if you are wearing makeup
- one point if you've had a compliment on your hair in the last 2 weeks. If you haven't, it's time to consider an appointment with your stylist.
- one point for nice nails. Not necessarily professionally done, just neat and taken care of.
- one point for your handbag if you are carrying it 100% of the time (like when you are out shopping).
- one point for a shawl, hat, scarf, or wrap.
And quickly before I close, make sure that your accessories are in proportion to the size and shape of your body. For example, a petite, small framed woman should not wear great big earrings, large chunky necklaces, or carry a very large handbag. Or a tall, heavy set woman should not wear itty-bitty earrings, a small necklace that can barely be seen or carry a small purse. Again, the key is balance. Extra large accessories on a small-framed woman makes her look smaller (and I don't mean weight *smile*), and really small accessories on a tall, large-framed woman makes her look bigger. I will write another time in more detail about accessorizing and choosing the right sizes. However, please leave a comment if you have a specific question(s).
We are getting so close to Christmas! I get more excited (and a little stressed) each day! So I am going to practice having a 'silent night' and sleeping in 'heavenly peace'.