(and the winner is.....)
Happy almost Friday my frazzled friends! We interrupt our regular scheduled series for this very important announcement! As an introduction, I would love to know if any of you have a blog OR maybe you like to journal, or lead Bible studies, or coordinate women's get-togethers or events at church. If you have a blog I would LOVE to read it!!! And, there is a very important reason why I ask...
There is an absolutely phenomenal women's conference hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries called She Speaks. The date of the conference is July 22-24, 2011. I invite you to consider attending along with me. It will be my first time as a registered attendee and I'm one of those who likes to have a buddy along with me! I am posting early this week so you will also have the opportunity to be considered for a scholarship as well. I am linking this post in hopes of securing a scholarship to attend the conference this year; and here is why...
She Speaks offers courses for women who want to speak to large groups and/or those who want to be more effective in teaching small groups like Bible studies. Do you have a story to tell? Have you ever thought of writing a book, whether it's a fiction or non-fiction book? What about those who work hard to coordinate women's events at their church or in their communities and want to strengthen their leadership skills.
At the She Speaks conference you (and I) will experience God in a supernatural way - no doubt! She Speaks will give us the tools needed to be the speaker, writer or women's director the God called us to be! There are separate tracks for speakers, writers and women's ministry leaders. I've attached a link/button at the end of this post directly to the conference website so you can read more and register!
If you have been following me on Facebook or through this blog you know that I was certified as a Christian Image Consultant and Speaker this past summer. I worked night and day to set up a website, a bio sheet, seeking and writing to numerous churches and MOPS groups in our area to begin the ministry that I know the Lord called me to. When the opportunity presented itself to become certified I was so excited! The Lord had my name written all over this opportunity! However, the cost was prohibitive. Jeff and I prayed separately and together seeking the Lord's answer to that specific detail. We threw the fleece out (so-to-speak) and were given a great opportunity to delay payment of my tuition and earn it through working alongside my instructor/mentor in an event we were sure would generate the cost of my tuition. We were elated and I cried as I told my friends and family how God answered our prayers!
God did provide some of my tuition through the event. But just a portion. Wow, I was left wondering if we heard the Lord correctly when he said very clearly "Go, I will be with you ...". I have had the immense blessing of speaking to a couple of MOPS groups. Oh my goodness - what fun we had! I would really like to learn more about jump-starting my speaking ministry. How do I get others as excited about my topic(s) as I am?
I've wanted to attend this conference for the last couple of years. We just have not had the extra money for registration. Those who know me and my family know the job struggles that my husband has had over the last year. I have been able to pick up a few odd, part time jobs to help us meet our monthly obligations. My heart and soul have ached as I watch and try to encourage my husband as he pours over bills and listen in as he tries to work with financial institutes in an attempt to re-finance or restructure our loan. You all know how impossible the market is out there. Currently, in order to make changes we would have to incur more debt and risk our credit rating. My husband is an awesome money manager (I call him the CEO and CFO of our family *smile*). He has prayerfully considered all things and he will not jeopardize ours and our children's futures. I am beyond blessed to be his wife!
I know, that I know, that I know, the Lord will use our experiences with Jeff's job struggles and the humility we have experienced, to offer encouragement to others. I also believe that our "b-lesson" is just beginning. Yes, I said "blesson". It's a lesson that is a blessing. We would not experience such a blessing without the lesson. And oh the lessons I am learning! I can see how the Lord is using the odd jobs I've picked up to provide perspective of the society we live in and the struggles that everyone faces, particularly women. As a certified Christian Image Consultant and Speaker, I have been given the unique opportunity ("blesson") to see how women (younger and older) dress. That sounds like I was blind to the way women dress before, but now I'm certified to teach women how to dress their God given bodies in a way that enhances their confidence. These are beautiful women I would not have the "blesson" to meet otherwise. I love seeing a surprised smile on a woman's face when as I'm taking her food order, and stop to compliment her on her hair, eyes, glasses, blouse, jacket, nails - you get the picture. I have the opportunity to offer a sympathetic ear to those I work with and offer encouragement where I can. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not always Mrs. Mary Sunshine. My new work world is full of seemingly moody and miserable people. But even though I don't bound out of the door every day intent on filling the needs of everyone I come into contact with, I hear the Lord's whisper that He's in control and there is a very important purpose for this season in our lives. I choose to embrace and believe Him. I choose to cry on His shoulder and feel His arms wrap around me to quiet my spirit.
Below is the button that will link you over to the She Speaks website. I would love for you to join me!
Click here for more information on the scholarships being offered.

There is an absolutely phenomenal women's conference hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries called She Speaks. The date of the conference is July 22-24, 2011. I invite you to consider attending along with me. It will be my first time as a registered attendee and I'm one of those who likes to have a buddy along with me! I am posting early this week so you will also have the opportunity to be considered for a scholarship as well. I am linking this post in hopes of securing a scholarship to attend the conference this year; and here is why...
She Speaks offers courses for women who want to speak to large groups and/or those who want to be more effective in teaching small groups like Bible studies. Do you have a story to tell? Have you ever thought of writing a book, whether it's a fiction or non-fiction book? What about those who work hard to coordinate women's events at their church or in their communities and want to strengthen their leadership skills.
At the She Speaks conference you (and I) will experience God in a supernatural way - no doubt! She Speaks will give us the tools needed to be the speaker, writer or women's director the God called us to be! There are separate tracks for speakers, writers and women's ministry leaders. I've attached a link/button at the end of this post directly to the conference website so you can read more and register!
If you have been following me on Facebook or through this blog you know that I was certified as a Christian Image Consultant and Speaker this past summer. I worked night and day to set up a website, a bio sheet, seeking and writing to numerous churches and MOPS groups in our area to begin the ministry that I know the Lord called me to. When the opportunity presented itself to become certified I was so excited! The Lord had my name written all over this opportunity! However, the cost was prohibitive. Jeff and I prayed separately and together seeking the Lord's answer to that specific detail. We threw the fleece out (so-to-speak) and were given a great opportunity to delay payment of my tuition and earn it through working alongside my instructor/mentor in an event we were sure would generate the cost of my tuition. We were elated and I cried as I told my friends and family how God answered our prayers!
God did provide some of my tuition through the event. But just a portion. Wow, I was left wondering if we heard the Lord correctly when he said very clearly "Go, I will be with you ...". I have had the immense blessing of speaking to a couple of MOPS groups. Oh my goodness - what fun we had! I would really like to learn more about jump-starting my speaking ministry. How do I get others as excited about my topic(s) as I am?
I've wanted to attend this conference for the last couple of years. We just have not had the extra money for registration. Those who know me and my family know the job struggles that my husband has had over the last year. I have been able to pick up a few odd, part time jobs to help us meet our monthly obligations. My heart and soul have ached as I watch and try to encourage my husband as he pours over bills and listen in as he tries to work with financial institutes in an attempt to re-finance or restructure our loan. You all know how impossible the market is out there. Currently, in order to make changes we would have to incur more debt and risk our credit rating. My husband is an awesome money manager (I call him the CEO and CFO of our family *smile*). He has prayerfully considered all things and he will not jeopardize ours and our children's futures. I am beyond blessed to be his wife!
I know, that I know, that I know, the Lord will use our experiences with Jeff's job struggles and the humility we have experienced, to offer encouragement to others. I also believe that our "b-lesson" is just beginning. Yes, I said "blesson". It's a lesson that is a blessing. We would not experience such a blessing without the lesson. And oh the lessons I am learning! I can see how the Lord is using the odd jobs I've picked up to provide perspective of the society we live in and the struggles that everyone faces, particularly women. As a certified Christian Image Consultant and Speaker, I have been given the unique opportunity ("blesson") to see how women (younger and older) dress. That sounds like I was blind to the way women dress before, but now I'm certified to teach women how to dress their God given bodies in a way that enhances their confidence. These are beautiful women I would not have the "blesson" to meet otherwise. I love seeing a surprised smile on a woman's face when as I'm taking her food order, and stop to compliment her on her hair, eyes, glasses, blouse, jacket, nails - you get the picture. I have the opportunity to offer a sympathetic ear to those I work with and offer encouragement where I can. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not always Mrs. Mary Sunshine. My new work world is full of seemingly moody and miserable people. But even though I don't bound out of the door every day intent on filling the needs of everyone I come into contact with, I hear the Lord's whisper that He's in control and there is a very important purpose for this season in our lives. I choose to embrace and believe Him. I choose to cry on His shoulder and feel His arms wrap around me to quiet my spirit.
Below is the button that will link you over to the She Speaks website. I would love for you to join me!
Click here for more information on the scholarships being offered.
The winner of Shari Braendel's book "Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad" is Susan Lyons! (blind draw by my wonderful hubby)
Please inbox me on facebook or email me at dawntugman@windstream.net with your address so I can mail it to you!!