Fancy Pants
But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? (Romans 9:20-21 - NLT)
God says He created your inmost being (Psalm 139:13-14). He even knew you before you were created! He loves you very much and wants to have a personal relationship with you. Not just when something goes wrong or something bad happens. An every day, every hour, every moment relationship.
Go with me here... just because my body (the pottery) was not shaped like 'hers' does not mean that her body (or pottery) is more beautiful or special than mine! I am constantly convicted when comparing myself with others. Whether it's the way I look, the way I act, my blog, my ministry, my circumstances. God loves us unconditionally. We don't have to DO anything or BE anyone other than who He created us to be. That should be freeing. But I suspect others struggle with this like I do. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Eph 2:10 (NLT)
In one of her devotions, Renee Swope said "...God has taught me that He wants my spiritual ears more than my spiritual efforts. He wants daily dependence, interaction and intimacy with me. And He is more concerned with my character than my calendar." Over this last year the Lord has been surveying, drilling, building and shaping my character. I can say for certain that this has not been the most pleasant experience.
When you (we) find ourselves comparing the way we look, certain body parts, your clothes, we MUST constantly allow the Spirit to whisper Truth into our hearts... “The king is enthralled by your beauty…” Ps 45:11 (NIV) and my "vase/pottery" may not be as fancy as "hers" but God created us exactly this way because he knew that it was the absolute best for each of us.
Speaking of fancy pants... I thought I would give you some tips for the best type of jeans for your body type (click here for information on body types). I realize it is summer now, but there are times when long jeans are necessary and, there are lots of jean shorts and other shorts with pockets. And there is a secret to pockets. Read on.
For 'b' body types:
- Make sure your jeans cover your midsection, particularly if you tend to have a muffin top.
- Find jeans with flap pockets with buttons
- Pockets that are not too far apart
- Pockets with decorations in a curvy or vertical line or design.
For 'o' body types:
- No skinny or wide-leg jeans. You want to have jeans that help form a straight line - balance.
Stay in between the skinny and wide-leg styles with a relaxed fit or boot cut.
- Mid-rise is best.
- Consider wearing a tummy shaper or a camisole shaper.
- Make sure the pockets on your jeans do not have lots of bling on them (draws attention) and, that the pockets hit right where your bottom begins to curve under.
For 'd' body types:
Because it is very difficult to find a pair of jeans that fit nicely on your waist, hips and thighs, you need to find jeans that fit nicely on your hips and thighs first. Then if needed, have them taken in in the waist. This may mean that you will need to go up a full size in your jeans so that when they are taken in it doesn't pull the waist down too far in the back. Concern over the size? Cut the tag out! You want to know that you look good in your jeans, not what size they are.
- Look for relaxed fit jeans that do not hug your hips and thighs (draws attention).
- Stay away from decorative pockets or pockets with flaps. These make your rear end look bigger.
- Large pockets make your bottom look smaller
- Simple and small designs are best on pockets that are proportionally sized and spaced on your bottom.
For 'x' body types:
- Because your body is already balanced or proportional top to bottom you can wear most styles of jeans (or pants/shorts)!
- If you tend to gain weight in your tummy area, consider wearing a tummy shaper
- Pockets should be proportionate to your size and shape. (i.e., women who are size 12-14 or higher should not have small pockets on their jeans - looks unbalanced).
Mid size pockets with mid size designs
- Notice the design on the back pockets. If your bottom tends to be wider, you want to have curvier and more vertical designs.
- Bottom of pockets should hit right where your bottom starts to curve under.
Now that you know what styles of jeans (or pants and shorts) to look for, PLEASE remember to bend over and look in the mirror when you try on jeans, shorts, pants. Is anything showing or falling out? When you crouch down does the waist line fall well below ... well, you know... no plumbers please! Are they too tight? If any of these are true, then move on to another pair.
So that's it for today my frazzled friends. Feel free to leave a comment or question!